스카이림 콘솔(치트) 코드 일람

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출처 https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/Console_Commands_(Skyrim)


Console Commands (Skyrim)

Console Commands are a debugging tool available to PC players, adding a wide range of functionality to the game. On American English keyboards, the tilde key (~) will toggle the console screen, but on British English keyboards, that key is the grave key (`


콘솔은 `(~) 키를 한번 누르면 열립니다. 화면이 멈추고 텍스트 창에 코드를 입력할 수 있게 됩니다.

마우스 사용이 가능해지며 클릭하고 더블클릭하는 것으로 특정 Reference를 타겟으로 잡거나 해제할 수 있습니다.

rm 달리기 모드의 온오프. Caps Lock과 동일한 기능.
특별히 쓸 일이 많지 않을 코드입니다.
tai AI의 온오프. NPC에 사용하는 코드입니다. 콘솔 창을 열고 특정 NPC를 클릭하고 tai를 입력하면 해당 NPC는 그 자리에서 멈춥니다. 공격 중에도 모션 그대로 멈추기 때문에 스크린샷에 유용합니다. 아무것도 클릭하지 않은 상태에서 입력하면 전체 AI가 온오프되며, 멈추진 않지만 대화 등 AI 관련 기능이 작동하지 않게 됩니다.
tc 콘트롤을 온오프합니다. 특정 NPC를 클릭하고 사용하면 해당 NPC를 조종할 수 있게 됩니다. 이 때 플레이어도 같은 움직임을 하게 되는데, 플레이어를 클릭하고 tc를 입력하면 플레이어의 움직임이 오프되면서 같은 움직임을 하지 않게 됩니다.
tcai 전투 관련 AI를 온오프합니다. 공격 중인 적을 클릭하고 사용하면 해당 NPC는 플레이러를 공격하지 않게 됩니다.
tcl 콜리젼의 온오프. 벽이나 장애물 등을 뚫고 지나갈 수 있게 됩니다. 콘솔창에서 무언가를 클릭한 상태(0000ABCD 등의 숫자가 떠있는 상태)에선 제대로 작동하지 않습니다. 다른 곳을 더블클릭해서 아무것도 선택하지 않은 상태에서 사용합니다. TCL를 한번 더 입력하면 원래대로 돌아옵니다.
tdetect 적들이 플레이어를 인지하지 못하게 됩니다. 공격해도 찾지 못합니다. 다만 이미 전투가 벌어졌을 땐 계속 공격합니다. 소매치기엔 적용되지 않음.
teofis Toggle relatively taxing image settings such as blur. May result in an increase in frames per second. (사용 안해봄)
tfc 자유시점의 활성화. tfc 1을 입력하면 일시정지 상태에서 자유시점이 활성화됨
tfow Toggles regions on the local map. i.e. loads all unexplored areas on the local map. (사용 안해봄)
tg 잔디의 온오프. 야외 프레임이 너무 낮을 땐 써볼만합니다.
tgm 무적 치트. 체력 마나 스태미나가 닳지 않고 무게 초과 시에도 이동속도가 줄지 않습니다.
tim 불사 치트. 대미지도 받고 디버프도 받지만 죽지만 않는 모드. 킬무브도 발동하기 때문에 버그가 있을 수 있음
tll Toggles LOD (원경의 온오프, 안 써봄)
tm UI의 온오프. 스샷용. 콘솔창도 안보이게 됨. 한번 더 콘솔창을 열고 tm을 입력하면 다시 나타납니다.
tmm <#> 맵마커의 온오프. tmm 1은 모든 맵 마커 활성화, tmm 0은 모든 맵마커 제거, tmm 1,0,1은 모두 보이지만 빠른 이동은 불가능한 상태
ts 하늘과 안개의 온오프
tscr 스크립트의 온오프
tt 나무의 온오프
tws 물의 온오프(물 속에 있으면 작동안함)
twf Toggles framework border(안써봄)

Targeted commands


additem <ItemID> <#> 콘솔로 클릭한 대상 NPC에 특정 아이템을 추가합니다. additem 0000XXXX 3 과 같은 형식으로 사용합니다.
DamageActorValue <attribute> <amount> Lowers the given attribute by the desired amount.(안써봄)
disable 콘솔로 클릭한 대상을 비활성화 합니다. 완전히 사라지는 것이 아니므로 enable 등으로 다시 나타날 수 있습니다. 화면 상에 안보일뿐 스크립트도 돌아가는 것으로 알고 있습니다.
dispelallspells 콘솔로 클릭한 대상의 독과 같은 스펠류를 모두 해제
duplicateallitems <refID>
클릭한 NPC에 특정 아이템을 복제합니다. 별로 쓸 일은 없음
enable disable된 대상을 다시 활성화 시키는 코드. npc를 소환했을 때 보이지 않는다면 높은 확률로 disable 되어 있을 수 있습니다. 이때 enable을 입력하면 나타납니다.
equipitem <ItemID> <#><left/right> 클릭한 대상이 특정 장비를 착용하게 합니다. (인벤토리에 있을 경우만 착용). equipitem 0000XXXX 1을 입력하면 해제할 수 없고, 0은 해제 가능하다고 합니다. 마지막에 left rright으로 왼손 오른손 착용을 조절할 수 있는 것으로 보입니다. 써보진 않음.
equipspell <SpellID> <left/right> 클릭한 대상이 스펠을 착용하게 합니다. 사용법은 위의 장비와 같음
forceav <AV> <#> 특정 Actor Value를 강제로 지정합니다. Forces <AV> to <#>
GetAngle <axis> 선택한 대상의 회전 각도를 출력합니다. 쓸 일이 있을까요?
getav <AV> 선택한 대상의 특정 Actor Value를 출력합니다.
getavinfo <AV> 선택한 대상의 특정 Actor Value 관련 정보를 취득
getlevel 선택 대상의 레벨 정보를 취득
getlocationcleared <ID> Returns the clear code off the specified location. Requires the numerical location ID. (안써봄)
getpos <axis> Returns the position value of given axis (x,y,z) of the target
선택한 대상의 좌표를 취득합니다. 일반적인 게임 플레이에선 사용하지 않지만, 스크립트에서는 종종 사용합니다.
getrelationshiprank <ID> 친밀도 등급 (-4~4)를 알아보는 코드.
Returns the numerical rank of the friendliness between two characters (-4–4).
hasperk <ID> Returns whether or not the target has the specified perk.
타겟이 특정 퍽을 가지고 있는 지 체크합니다.
kill Instantly kills target. (Does not kill characters/creatures marked "essential," only causes them to fall to the ground for a few minutes.)
선택한 대상이 사망합니다. 에센셜인 경우 minor 버그가 발생할 수 있습니다
lock <#> Lock chests, doors or people. <#> = the level of difficulty. (0–100, any larger and the lock cannot be picked)
클릭한 문이나 상자를 잠급니다. lock 0~100을 입력하면 락픽으로 딸 수 있고 100이상 입력 시 열쇠 사용하는 잠금 난이도입니다.
MarkForDelete 선택한 대상의 영구적인 삭제. 비활성화의 disable보다 더 완전하게 삭제하는 코드. disable시 특정 스크립트에 따라 다시 활성화 되는 경우가 있지만 이 코드의 경우 그런 경우가 발생하지 않습니다.
modav <AV> <+/-#> Changes <AV> by <+/-#>
선택한 대상의 actorvalue를 변경
moveto player 선택한 대상을 플레이어 주위로 소환합니다. 베이스 id가 아닌 레퍼런스 id로만 동작합니다. 베이스id는 placeatme로 소환 가능하지만 이는 다른 레퍼런스이기 때문에 복제에 가깝습니다. 퀘스트 npc등을 불러오려면 이 코드를 사용해야 합니다.

static으로 등록된 레퍼런스의 경우 움직이지 않습니다.
openactorcontainer <#> 선택한 액터의 소지품창을 엽니다. 사용해보지 않음<#> = 1, 2, 3, or 4. Depending on the actors faction ranking to the Dragonborn will depend on what is seen in their inventory. Use the correct ranking for their current status. This allows one to add or retrieve items from that actor. Some actors will not equip armor or weapons stored on them.
playidle <ID> 선택한 대상이 특정 모션을 취하게 합니다. Makes the target do the specified action, such as a specific attack animation.
pushactoraway <ID> <distance> 선택한 대상을 밀쳐냅니다. 모션 버그 등에 사용하는 코드. Attract or repel the target in relation to the Dragonborn by the specified amount.
recycleactor Cycle between different actors within the same actor ID randomly.
removeallitems 대상의 인벤토리에서 모든 아이템을 제거합니다. Removes all items in the targets inventory. Use the <player> variable to transfer all items to own inventory.
resetai Resets the AI of the target (see also: tai).
resetinventory Restores the target's inventory to its original state.
RestoreActorValue <attribute> <amount> Reverses the effect(s) of DamageActorValue.
resurrect <#> Return a dead NPC to life. Replace <#> with 1 to resurrect with all current items intact. Leave off <#> to have the corpse removed & a new copy spawned.
setactoralpha <#> Changes the transparency of the target. Ranges are in decimal from 0–1, with 0 being completely invisible, 0.5 being half visible and 1 being completely visible.
SetAngle <axis> <#> Sets the value of given rotational axis (x,y,z) of the target (the change happens when the targeted object is picked up).
setav <AV> <#> Like forceav, but some values do not stay set through saves.
setessential <BaseID> <#> Make NPC mortal (0) / immortal(1).
setfavorstate <#> 0 = inactive, 1 = active. Makes any targeted NPC obey player commands by moving the cursor over an interactable object or NPC while activated. In example, typing setfavorstate 1 while having a Guard selected in the command console and clicking on a dropped item, makes that Guard pick-up and automatically equip that item. After issueing a command, typing setfavorstate 0 while a command has not yet been issued or pressed the TAB button will cancel and deactivate the command.
setghost <#> Makes the target either intangible or susceptible to damage or staggering effects. Range of 0-1, with 0 making the target tangible, and 1 making the target intangible.
setgs <attribute> <amount> Set Game Setting.
setlevel <1>,<2>,<3>,<4> Sets the level of an NPC compared to the Dragonborn. SetLevel 1000,0,1,81 will make target level with the Dragonborn from 1 to 81.
1: <% of PC's level * 10> The NPC's level in comparison to the Dragonborn, based on % of their level. (1000 = 100.0%)
2: <1 level +/-> How many levels this NPC will be above or below the level in 1.
3: <starting level> The lowest level this NPC can be.
4: <level cap> The highest level this NPC can be.
setlocationcleared <ID> <#> Sets a location as cleared (1) or uncleared (0). The numerical location ID must be used.
setnpcweight <#> Sets the weight of the target or the Dragonborn. Ranges from 0–100, with 0 being the lightest and 100 being the heaviest.
setownership <BaseID> Allows one to make items owned by different people. They will not become the Dragonborn's unless an ID is not entered. When used on chests, applies to everything inside.
setcellownership <LocationID> Marks desired interior or exterior cell as owned by the player, as well as everything within its perimeter.
SetPos <axis> <#> Sets the position value of given axis (x,y,z) of the target.
setrelationshiprank <refID> <#> Used to set an NPCs disposition towards the Dragonborn. <#> = 1–4 Note: If this does not help when attempting to add Follower dialogue, use setrelationshiprank <refID> <#> then player.setrelationshiprank <refID> <#>.
setscale <#> Sets the scale of an object. "1" is default. If no object is selected, applies to PC. NOTE: When used on an actor, it increases or decreases speed and damage. Also note that the lowest possible value to change the scale, is 0.1, and the highest possible value to change the scale, is 10.00, exactly on the dot.
setunconscious <#> Sets the target as unconscious. Range of 0–1, with 0 being conscious and 1 being unconscious.
sexchange Change gender of target NPC, or PC. Note: Only BODY changes, not the head.
shp <#> Set HDR Parameter. Nine separate numbers should be entered to change various luminosity settings.
sifh <#> Set Ignore Friendly Hit. Range of 0–1, with 0 causing the target not to ignore friendly hits and 1 causing the target to ignore them.
str <#> Set Target Refraction. Range of 0–1, with0.000001 being completely invisible and 1.000000 being completely visible, and 0 reverting the target to its default state.
unequipitem <ItemID> <#><left/right> Forces the target to unequip <ItemID>, similar to the Equipitem command except it unequips items if it is in one's inventory. Adding a '1' after the ID will make certain items unable to be removed, while '0' keeps them removable as normal. <left/right> will unequip the weapon in the left or right hand.
unlock Unlock the desired chest or door. Note: This may not work in some cases.
  • Most "Target commands" can be used on the Dragonborn by self-targeting or prefixing with Player. in the console window. Some commands, such as Kill and Disable may crash the game when self-targeted, while others may produce unexpected results.

Quest commands


caqs Complete all Stages of EVERY quest.
Buggy, may not be stable. NOT recommended.
completequest <QuestID> Complete a quest. May cause buggy behavior, SetStage is generally cleaner.
getstage <QuestID> Used to get the current quest stage for quest (use ShowQuestTargets for IDs).
movetoqt <QuestID> Move to quest target.
resetquest <QuestID> Completely resets the given quest.
saq Starts every quest. (May cause crash)
SetObjectiveCompleted <QuestID> <stage> <1 to set, 0 to unset> Used to set the quest stage as being completed or uncompleted.
setstage <quest id> <stage value> Used to set the quest stage (Useful for bugged quests).
showquesttargets Shows all current quest IDs.
setpqv <quest form ID> <quest variable ID> <desired variable> Attempts to modify a quest variable to the desired value.
sqv <quest id> Displays a list of all variables used by <quest id>.
player.sqs <quest id> Used to display all the stages of a quest

Player commands


player.additem <ItemID> <#> Add an item to the inventory.
For example, to add 100 gold to the inventory, use player.additem f 100
player.addperk <PerkID> Adds the perk.
Addshout <ShoutID> Add shout to one's skill list. Shouts are also part of spells, so in order for this command to work the spells will need to already be unlocked. List of Shout Codes.
  • NOTE: Shouts can be unlocked using: player.unlockword <shoutID>
player.addspell <variable> Adds a spell, disease, or power. This can also be used for acquiring an unused spell. ex: Conjure Dragon Priest, does not work for vampiric spells.
player.advlevel Force a Level Up (Does not add ability to pick a new perk).
AdvSkill <AV> <#> Gives one the desired amount of skill usage points. NOTE: Very inconsistent between skills. E.g. "AdvSkill speechcraft 3000" gives about as much Speech experience as "AdvSkill enchanting 1" gives Enchanting experience. See skills for test results.
animcam Allows for the camera to view the Dragonborn from any direction without changing which way they are facing.
player.drop <ItemID> <#> This will drop the item.
enableplayercontrols This command is used to enable controls during cinematics when they are disabled. Occasionally the game will glitch, instead of reloading put in this command and carry on.
player.forceav <AV> <#> Should be avoided for use, as it overrides game's automatic calculations such as item bonuses, spell bonuses, etc.
player.forceav dragonsouls # Sets the number of Dragon Souls the Dragonborn has. Replace # with the desired number.
fov <#> Adjust field of view. The default is 75, and the maximum value appears to be 160. Higher numbers allow a wider field of vision, but it can be distorted. Lower numbers show a "zoomed" view. 60–90 is a useful range.
IncPCS <AVskill> Increase the Dragonborn's skill points by one point. For example, the command IncPCS marksman will raise the Archery skill by 1.
player.modav <AV> <+/-#> Modifies the Actor Value by <#>.
player.paycrimegold <X> <Y> <FactionID> On occasion, this may not pay off the entire bounty
X = 1 Remove stolen items. 0 Do not remove stolen items.
Y = 1 Go to jail. 0 Do not go to jail.
player.placeatme <Item/NPCID> <#> Places an item or actor next to the Dragonborn.
playerEnchantObject <ItemID> <mgef> <mgef> Adds object to inventory with any two magic effects (not limited to enchants). Codes
psb Player Spell Book. Unlocks all spells and shouts. NOTE: Using this command will unlock every spell, even those used to test Skyrim. However, this may cause bugs.
player.removeitem <ItemID> <#> Remove an item from the inventory.
player.removeperk <PerkID> Removes a perk.; does not return the point used to gain the perk.
player.removespell <variable> Removes a spell, disease, or power.
player.resethealth Refills the Dragonborn's health instantly.
s1st While in third person, the Dragonborn's arms—which would normally only appear in first person—appear behind them, allowing for the Dragonborn to experience first person and third person simultaneously.
player.setav <AV> <#> Sets the Actor Value to <#>.
player.setcrimegold <#> <FactionID> Adds <#> to one's current bounty with <FactionID>
player.setlevel <#> Sets current level to <#>.
SetPlayerRace <Raceid> Doing this will allow the Dragonborn's race to be changed without using showracemenu. Note: May bug after certain transformations (ex: Werewolf), and revert to original race, or the race that was selected using showracemenu.
Player.SetRace <RaceID> A variant of SetPlayerRace <Raceid>, it is possible to become non-human race using this variant i.e. Player.SetRace DragonRace will transform the Dragonborn into a Dragon and capable of using Thu'um under Dragon voice clip, this variant can also be used on NPCs.
player.setscale # Sets height for character. Tsun, for example, ranks 1.23 on the height scale.
showracemenu Bring up character customization menu. Magicka, Stamina, and Health will be spread evenly on using this depending on one's character's level. It will remove any custom point distributions. Note: Using TGM command before entering the menu will retain the original levels. Will only modify one's attributes/skills/points/etc. if the race or sex is changed or a preset is selected form the list. Modifying cosmetic details such a skin color/warpaint/hair/face shape/etc. will leave one's points.
player.showinventory Lists all items in the Dragonborn's inventory and their codes. PgUp and PgDwn to scroll through.
spf <name> Save Player Face. This saves the Dragonborn's current facial settings (from character creation) in the game files.
sucsm <#> Set the speed of the free-flying camera (tfc). The default is 1. Setting it to 2, for example, would double the speed, and to 0.5 would half the speed.
player.teachword <WOOP> Teaches a word of power, words can be found with the "help <word> 4" command and are recognizable by the WOOP tag. See Dragon Shouts.
player.unlockword <shoutID> Unlocks a word of power. List of Shout Codes.
  • Most "Player commands" can be used on any NPC by left clicking them while in the console window, and typing the code without the Player. prefix.
  • The addperk command does not seem to work on NPCs, as they seem to rely upon the perks assigned to them.



Addfac <FactionID> <#> Adds the selected NPC to a faction. May cause undesired and buggy AI behavior, 1–4 affects faction rank
AddToFaction <FactionID> <#> Alternate version of AddFac, adds the selected NPC to a faction. May cause undesired and buggy AI behavior, 1–4 affects faction rank
bat <name of text file> Executes a .bat file. For more info read this.
csb Clear Screen Blood. Removes any blood effects from the screen.
fw Force Weather. Will automatically change the current weather to the one specified. (May also vanish as with the sw command).
GetGlobalValue <Value> Returns information about the given value in the game's settings.
GetInCellParam <LocationID> <FormID> Returns whether or not the specified object is in the specified cell. Ranges from 0.00–1.00, with 0.00 being not present and 1.00 being present.
GetPCMiscStat <MiscStat> Returns the specified miscellaneous stat of the Dragonborn.
help <"Object name"> <#> Show all console commands with descriptions. Add descriptors to search for IDs. ex: help "elven armor" 0 will show ids of all items that include "elven armor" in the name. Quotation mark is a must for items with more than one word ex: "elven armor," <#> sets the limits for the search function, 0 = no limits; 4 = Exact.
killall Kills all non-essential NPCs in the vicinity. Has the same result as killallactors.
load <save name> Loads the specified save. Requires quotation marks around the name if includes spaces.
ModPCMiscStat <MiscStat> <#> Modifies the specified miscellaneous stat of the player.
pcb Purge Cell Buffer. Purges interior cells the Dragonborn has recently exited, potentially allowing for a higher framerate at the cost of longer loading screens.
PlayerCreatePotion <ID> <ID> <ID> Allows for potions to be created through the console. <ID> refers to the potion effect rather than the ingredient's ID. The second and third <ID> codes are optional.
Prid <refID> Sets the NPC as reference, allowing other commands to be used, good for targeting NPCs that cannot be reached/seleceted on screen or fixing quest glitches about NPCs not appearing.
qqq Quits the game without going through the menus. (May cause crash.)
refini Refreshes .ini settings (does not reset them).
RemoveFac <FactionID> Removes the selected NPC from a faction. Usually used for unaligning hostile NPC from hostile factions. This may cause undesired and buggy AI behavior.
resetinterior <LocationID> Resets the given cell, reverting it to its original settings.
save <save name> Saves the game over an existing save with the specified name. Requires quotation marks around the name if includes spaces.
saveini Saves all current game settings to the game's .ini files.
set playeranimalcount to <#> 0 Clears non-humanoid followers and allows one to recruit again.
set playerfollowercount to <#> 0 Clears followers and allows one to recruit again.
set timescale to <#> Set the rate at which time passes (20 is the default, 1 is realtime)
set <variable> to <#> Sets the specified variable.
sgtm <#> Set Gametime Multiplier. This changes the game speed (e.g. movement, dialogue, etc.), with a higher number leading to a faster speed and a lower number leading to a lower speed.
showglobalvars Shows all game variables.
showmessage <ID> Shows a message in the center of the screen with the given ID.
sqo Show Quest Objectives. Gives a list of all objectives for ongoing quests.
sqt Show Quest Targets. Gives a list of all targets for ongoing quests.
stp <#> <#> <#> <#> Set Tint Parameters. Ranges from 0–1, with stp 0 0 0 0 creating the most vibrant display and stp 1 1 1 1 creating the most black and white display.
sw <WeatherID> Set Weather. Changes the current weather to the one entered. It may vanish quickly depending on the area the Dragonborn is in, due to the area's climate being forced.



coc <CellID> Center On Cell. Teleports the Dragonborn to the center of the cell. A list of coc codes is here.
cow Tamriel <X> <Y> Center on World. Teleports the Dragonborn to the given coordinates.
player.moveto <NPCrefID> Move to an NPC. Note that if the NPC is dead, the Dragonborn will be moved to the Dead Body Cleanup Cell where the NPC can be resurrected using the console command, but will need to use the coc command to return.